Noxious Weed Control
We work with landholders, councils and government agencies to minimise the impact that noxious weeds have on landscapes, the environment, and native flora and fauna.
Our noxious weed control techniques include:
management plans
cut and paint
hand weeding
brush cutting
chemical treatments with knapsacks and quikspray units
We can treat common garden weeds, right through to weeds of national significance (WONS), such as:
Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus)
Gorse (Ulex europaeus)
Wheel cactus (Opuntia robusta)
English broom (Cytisus scoparius)
Cape broom (Genista monspessulana)
African feather grass (Pennisetum macrourum)
Paterson's curse (Echium plantagineum)
Tree lucerne (Cytisus proliferus)
Willow trees (Salix sp.)
and many more...
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